Injection Wells
Our facilities are approved by local regulatory bodies including the AB-AER, BC-MEM, SK-OGR & ND-ICOGD and are used for the injection or disposal of sweet or sour Class Ib and Class II waste streams which include:
- Produced water, specific common oilfield waste fluids and waste streams meeting specific criteria
- Saline fluids from oilfield waste processing facilities and operations
- Blowdown waters
- Waste fluids from drilling operations and the liquid fraction of drilling muds.
- Spent workover or stimulations fluids (after neutralization or processing to recover hydrocarbons)
- Amine filter backwash, liquid fractions of spent sweetening agents and glycol solutions
- Acidic or alkaline, inhibitor and oxygen scavenger solutions with limited heavy metal concentrations.
- All other fluids meeting specific pH, flash point, heavy metal and organic halide criteria
Per ERCB Directive 058
Our facilities are approved by local regulatory bodies including the AB-AER, BC-MEM, SK-OGR & ND-ICOGD and are used for the injection or disposal of sweet or sour produced water and brine or brine equivalent* fluids including:
- produced water associated with the production of oil, bitumen, gas or coaled methane
- brine from salt cavern or solution mining operations
- water based pigging fluids from cleaning of collection and injection lines
- brine reject from backwash from water softeners associated with enhanced recovery
- water containing polymers or other chemicals for enhanced recovery
- waste fluids from circulation during well cementing
- CaCl2 water
- brine equivalent*
Per ERCB Directive 051 Page 8
Analysis may be required to confirm Waste Stream products.
It is up to the producer / waste generator to characterize and classify their waste streams. Descriptions and product will be subject to audit by Aqua Terra at the time of receipt to confirm compliance by both parties.
* Brine equivalent – Aqueous salt solutions that are equivalent to produced water by comparison to production fluid
Disposal of salt water and brine equivalent water as recovered from oilfield drilling, completion and production operations.